Our references

real estate sites
that get clicked!
Do you want to sell more properties through your website? Do you want to become independent of portals where the competition is just a click away? No problem.
With our complete solution for real estate agents, you get an individual website and the appropriate extensions so that visitors also become customers.
Real estate agents already rely on our many years of experience in online marketing
Real Estate Integration
Publish your objects directly on your website. All real estate data is automatically optimized for Google search. And with the automatic exposé creation, visitors become interested parties.
In our CMS you have your real estate under control: mark top properties for a prominent display, enter properties independently of portals or create a password-protected B2B area with separate prices for your partners. Everything is possible with us.

appraisal calculator
You know that: Many want to sell their home. Be it because of a divorce, death or inheritance. But before potential customers look for a broker, they want to find out what their house is actually worth.
Offer a free real estate appraisal on your website. This way you get valuable data from real prospects. The calculator can be customized to suit your needs.
personal bond
Build a personal bond with your prospects by making sure they can reach you directly through your website. Via contact form, WhatsApp or even via live chat.
It doesn't matter whether it's an appointment for a viewing, a valuation or advice - just a click away for your customers.
And with our route planner, interested parties can find your company directly.

Find your dream property
Apartment seekers spend a lot of time on the Internet to find the right property. Take the work off them and inform interested parties when you have found a suitable property.
Interested parties enter their desired data and automatically receive an email as soon as a suitable object is in your inventory.
By registering with the real estate search you can stay in contact with interested parties. Offer a personal consultation or a non-binding inspection.
We love design
And that's why we customize your website just for you instead of using boring templates.
Online CMS
Only an up-to-date homepage creates trust. With our award-winning CMS, you can easily maintain your site yourself.
Thanks to our innovative web system, we can offer websites at unrivaled prices and in better quality.
Deep knowledge of ALL aspects of online marketing and years of experience guarantee more customers and profit!
Innovation from a single source

Hier stimmt einfach alles, Herr Daniel Pusch ist sehr freundlich und geht auf die wünsche seiner Kunden ein, gibt immer hilfreiche informationen und ist immer erreichbar für seien Kunden.

Complete homepage solution
for your digital real estate sale
So that visitors and interested parties also become customers.
The key factor

But what does visibility mean?
Top 10? No thanks!

The digital reality
You don't need "traffic", but "transactional traffic", i.e. people who are already at the end of their sales journey, have already decided to sell their house and are about to make an inquiry!
Looking for those who just want to find out more
Are still completely undecided
Is difficult to optimize
Brings traffic (visitors)
Looking for those who want to make specific inquiries
Are determined
Is easier to optimize
Creates new customers
The journey of a home seller on the Internet
How the real estate agent imagines it:

What the reality looks like

The design is also not a wish concert:

Win and retain customers
Don't send your customers to real estate portals where the competition is just a click away. Better, you offer your properties directly on your homepage, perfectly integrated into your web design and found by Google. Offer your customers a varied experience and the opportunity to answer their questions and make appointments for viewings online.